What is conflict coaching?

Think of it as action-based advice, we work together to understand the root of your conflict and what steps you can take to engage, resolve and/or reconnect. The more we let things build up, the harder it is to tackle. Just like the dishes….

What if it's deeper than the dishes?

I facilitate difficult conversations and help foster vulnerability – whether that’s speaking to your family and loved ones about change, or those scary and "hard-to-reach conversations" that sometimes call for a specialist.

And that’s OK!

I work with a number of professionals to create space where all parties feel supported, safe, and heard.


  • Hey, we get it - and we are here to help. reach out and let us know what's going on and we can help "manage" the conflict. You call a plumber or an electrician for their expertise, outsource your conflict to us!

  • You feel stuck, or like you're having the same fight over and over again - call us! We can identify what services will have the biggest impact on your relationship(s). We offer in-home and virtual appointments for your comfort and convenience.

    We can help honor family traditions in the midst of change, create new opportunities for agency, and help foster stronger relationships.

  • We are experts in the gentle art of conflict solutions, meaning we help couples (and other interpersonal relationships) focus on resolving a specific conflict, or series of conflicts associated with "pain points" (i.e. household responsibilities, childcare, creating/respecting boundaries, etc)

  • Blended families are some of our favorite clients! We have an opportunity to build trust, create new traditions that speak to all family members, and create space for responsibility and agency for even the youngest family members.

  • We shine here! Where others see a wall, we see vast opportunities for connection. Some out-of-the-box thinking and problem solving go a long way!

  • Nope! Conflict (aka arguments, fights, unspoken frustrations) occurs in all relationships - including but not limited to: in-laws, family members, friends, volunteer efforts, etc. We can help you create steps to move forward in any relationship. We can meet one-on-one, or with the other individuals surrounded by the conflict.

  • Often we avoid fighting/confrontation because it's "easier" to not rock the boat. Not speaking up and subsequently letting issues build over time can lead to resentment and contention. You may not need Truce now, but you will one day!

  • We are all human, and humans are afraid of change! Sometimes we need someone to be our cheerleader, be our hype man or gas us up to tell those closest to us something scary. This can range from coming out, making a large career, home or lifestyle change, medical updates, etc. We can assist one-on-one, facilitate the conversation, or help mediate. You are the client and you tell us when and where to push.

  • Much like formal mediation, but with less paperwork. Two (or more) parties agree to work towards a mutually beneficial resolution facilitated by Truce.

    We can reach out to those parties in the event you need our help to build the bridge. Just like mediation, all parties have to agree to participate.